Hybrid Mode-locking in a Thulium-doped Fiber Mamyshev Osillator

authored by
Benedikt Schuhbauer, Veronika Adolfs, Paul Repgen, Moritz Hinkelmann, Andreas Wienke, Jorg Neumann, Dietmar Kracht

Ultrafast Thulium-doped fiber oscillators and amplifiers have become increasingly relevant over the past few years for applications like precise processing of polymers, as well as driving nonlinear frequency conversion stages to cover the fingerprint region in the mid-infrared and the soft X-ray spectral region [1] - [3]. Those applications require high peak powers or respective high pulse energies, which are usually generated by master oscillator power amplifier setups with several subsequent amplification stages. Reducing the number of amplification stagse would enable a more compact setup. Due to a higher tolerance for nonlinear phase accumulation compared to established pulse evolution schemes, Mamyshev oscillators (MO) are promising to omit one amplification stage in the future.

PhoenixD: Photonics, Optics, and Engineering - Innovation Across Disciplines
External Organisation(s)
Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V. (LZH)
Conference contribution
Publication date
Publication status
Peer reviewed
ASJC Scopus subject areas
Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials, Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics
Electronic version(s)
https://doi.org/10.1109/CLEO/Europe-EQEC52157.2021.9541725 (Access: Closed)