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Organisational Structure of the Cluster of Excellence PhoenixD

The application for the Cluster of Excellence PhoenixD was positively reviewed by the Excellence Commission of the Federal and State Governments (LINK) on 27 September 2018. The funding will cover seven years starting from 1 January 2019. In addition to researchers from Leibniz University Hannover, the project involves the TU Braunschweig, the Laserzentrum Hannover and the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute) Hannover. 

The PhoenixD research vision is to implement precision optical systems resource and cost-effectively by using additive manufacturing technology. For this purpose, researchers from mechanical engineering, physics, electrical engineering, computer science and chemistry intend to work together on the simulation, production and application of optical systems. So far, such systems usually consist of glass-based components tediously assembled in small batches, often even by hand. Experts from the various disciplines will aim to work together on a digitized production system that can realize individualized products.

The system opens up far-reaching possibilities for applications. In agriculture, for example, the use of chemicals could be minimized or even eliminated. The new systems to be developed incorporate sensors to detect weed infestation which is then addressed using laser light. For such potentially high-volume applications, classical optical components are currently too expensive. Another application example is in the field of individualized optics for medicine. Here, a near-patient blood analysis for the diagnosis of diseases is an attractive goal.

Management Structure

The organizational and management structure of the Cluster will be based on the General Assembly of all Principle Investigators, Participating Scientists, and members of the different Research Areas and Task Groups. The General Assembly elects all members of the Board and the Steering Committee for a term of four years.

The scientific responsibility for the Cluster lies with the ten voting members of the Steering Committee being responsible for the definition of the scientific objectives and strategic measures. The Board with five voting members is the governing executive body of PhoenixD. The elected spokesperson, heading PhoenixD and representing its interests both inside and outside the university, represents the Board. The Head of the PhoenixD Research School (PRS) and the Equal Opportunities Officer of PhoenixD are part of the Board. A Chief Operating Officer is appointed as head of the PhoenixD administration for operational tasks. The administration includes the adminstrative office, the financial accounting, the science communication, the PRS administration, the diversity coordination, the scientific IT administration, and the technical management of the research building.

The whole Cluster is actively accompanied, monitored, and advised by the International Advisory Committee (IAC). It comprises world-leading national and international scientists on PhoenixD topics plus representatives of leading national and international companies in optics. The IAC advises the cluster annually. The Steering Committee and IAC promote the mutual exchange and transfer of knowledge and experience between science and industry.