One of the primary goals of PhoenixD and the PRS is to lead professionals from school to a successful career in industry and academia or in start-up companies in the field of optical technologies. On their way there, they receive excellent training, international and industrial experience and a high level of competence.
We offer an ideal environment for them to receive excellent technical training and develop the personal skills they need for their future careers. In addition, there are many opportunities for scientific exchange and professional cooperation between the individual disciplines at PhoenixD.

Our team at the PhoenixD Research School
The coordination of the PhoenixD Research School (PRS) is made up of several experts from our various target groups:
- The school projects are carried out by students and teachers.
- The Voluntary Scientific Year takes place in our institutes with specially assigned supervisors.
- The degree programmes in Optical Technologies have excellent contact options with their programme coordinators.
- Our doctoral students elect their graduate representatives, who are specifically committed to the interests of their colleagues.
- Our postdocs represent their interests through two appointed representatives in our cluster.
Our PRS office also consists of the following administrative bodies: PRS spokesperson, PRS coordinator and assistant, the advisory committee (with representatives from our target groups) and the coordinator for gender, diversity and international affairs. The coordinators of the project workshop complete the PRS team.