Girls' Day with PhoenixD at Leibniz University Hannover
This day of action aims to provide career and study orientation for girls. At Girls' Day, girls from the 5th grade onwards get to know professions or fields of study in which the proportion of women is still low. PhoenixD participates with an active programme, with which we want to show you the work in the research of optical technologies. Optical technologies ensure, for example, that your smartphone works or that internet arrives at your home. On Girl's Day, find out how and why light is still being researched. Get active yourself with small optical experiments and learn about working in a laser lab.
Girls' Day usually takes place every year in April.

Leibniz Lab
LeibnizLAB's two buses are filled to the brim with exciting science experiments. The LeibnizLAB team brings these experiments - which also include our optics labs - directly into the classroom. This gives pupils the opportunity to experiment independently and learn about scientific work at an early stage.
The following optics labs can be booked:
- Optics - Light and lenses (4. Klasse)
- Optics - colour games with the whole light spectrum (5.-7. Klasse)
An optics lab for the upper school is being planned.

PROTOYS - Our Project Workshop
Getting to know scientists and research facilities at university level awakens a fascination for science and technology at a young age. With the PROTOYS project workshop, PhoenixD opens its laboratories to pupils. The selection of topics for the projects is independent of curricula and core curricula and thus methodologically very broad and interdisciplinary in content.
The following projects are planned or implemented within the framework of PROTOYS:
- Hack-Days with "Make your School"
- Practical courses for seminar papers (cooperation with the foeXlab)
- Experiments on optical data transmission
- Photonics & Electronics

Your contact at the PhoenixD Research School

30167 Hannover