The more than 100 members of the interdisciplinary Cluster of Excellence PhoenixD will meet in March for their third closed meeting. There the scientists will inform themselves about their current research results in numerous lectures.
The approximately 30 members of the PhoenixD Research School (PRS) meet one day before the joint retreat for a PRS Spring School. The conference programme will be continuously updated and published here. The conference language is English.
Programme of the PRS Spring School on March 22th and 23th, 2021
Monday, March 22th, 2021, PRS Spring School
Time Referent 11:30 Meeting Room Opens via Zoom 12:00 Welcome Peter Behrens Leader PhoenixD Research School 12:15 Start Your Career in the Private Sector: "How to be more employable in the private sector" David Giltner external trainer 13:25 Break 13:30 Start Your Career in the Private Sector: "Can a scientist find a rewarding career in industry?" David Giltner external trainer 14:30 Break 14:45 Field reports on skills needed in the scientific career path Jannika Lauth,
Michael Kues
Group leader Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry, LUH, PhoenixD member
Professor at Hannover Centre for Optical Technologie, LUH, PhoenixD member
15:45 Break 16:00 Question & Answer Session about PhoenixD and it's structures Sebastian Dikty,
Reinhard Caspary
Chief Operating Officer PhoenixD,
Technology Coordinator PhoenixD
16:45 Online Get Together 17:30 End Day 1 PRS Spring School Tuesday, March 23th, 2021, PRS Spring School
Time Speaker 08:30 PRS Spring School: Meeting Room Opens 09:00 Morning Welcome Sabine Gersemann Coordination PhoenixD Research School 09:05 Interactive workshop: "Stregths, Skills and Motivations forCareer Entry Planning" Antonia Hemling external trainer 11:15 Break 11:30 Networks - Young Federations (jDPG, Jungchemiker, …) Sonja Smalian, Karen Hindricks, Magdalena Misslich Science Communication Officer PhoenixD,
PhD student PhoenixD and member of the federal board of the young chemists,
Leader of the young DPG Hanover regional group
11:55 Conclusion Peter Behrens Leader PhoenixD Research School 12:00 End Day 2 PRS Spring School -
Programme of the PhoenixD Retreat on 23 and 24 March 2021
Programme of the PhoenixD Retreat on 23 and 24 March 2021
Tuesday, March 23th 2021, Retreat
Time Breakout Room 12:30 Participants log into online conference room via Zoom Lobby 13:00 Welcome Plenum 13:15 Preview Talk 1 Plenum 13:30 Preview Talk 2 Plenum 13:45 Workshop 1: "Multi-Scale Multi-Physics Demonstrator OptiSim"
Ayhan DemircanWorkshop 2: "Automation Demonstrator"
Wolfgang KowalskyBreakout rooms:
Workshop 1
Breakout room 1.1
Breakout room 1.2Workshop 2
No additional subdivision
15:15 Break - Networking Coffee room Coffee room 15:45 Preview Talk 3 Plenum 16:00 Preview Talk 4 Plenum 16:15 Workshop 3: "Virtual Model Demonstrator"
Uwe MorgnerWorkshop 4: "Waveguide Demonstrator"
Detlev RistauBreakout rooms:
Workshop 3
Breakout room 3.1
Breakout room 3.2Workshop 4
Breakout room 4.1
Breakout room 4.2
Breakout room 4.3
Breakout room 4.417:30 End of the first conference day Wednesday, March 24th 2021, Retreat
Time Breakout Room 08:00 Meeting Room Opens via Zoom Lobby 08:30 Morning Welcome Plenum 08:45 Preview Talk 5 Plenum 09:00 Preview Talk 6
Plenum 09:15 Workshop 5: "Manufacturing Loop Demonstrator"
Ludger OvermeyerWorkshop 6: "Integration Demonstrator"
Reinhard CasparyBreakout rooms:
Workshop 5
Breakout room 5.1
Breakout room 5.2Workshop 6
Breakout room 6.1
Breakout room 6.2
Breakout room 6.310:45 Break Coffee room 11:15 Review / Additional Demonstrators Plenum 12:00 PhoenixD General Assembly
(compulsory participation for voting members, non-voting members welcome)Plenum 13:15 End of the second conference day 13:30 Lunch Break 14:00 Possibility of further exchange:
Forum 1. Multi-Scale Multi-Physics Demonstrator (OptiSim)
Forum 2. Automation Demonstrator
Forum 3. Virtual Model Demonstrator
Forum 4. Waveguide Demonstrator
Forum 5. Manufacturing Loop Demonstrator
Forum 6. Integration Demonstrator
Respective breakout rooms of the workshops
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