Research data in PhoenixD
The cluster generates a wide range of research data, ranging from measured values and machine protocols to simulation results in various file formats. Research data management (RDM) is the essential challenge for the success of research activities. Robust RDM structures and practices have therefore been established in PhoenixD to ensure the creation, processing, documentation, backup and sustainable provision of research data in accordance with recognised subject-specific standards and based on the FAIR principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable). PhoenixD is also committed to a transparent data policy and to the principles of open science, open access, open software and open hardware, always in accordance with intellectual property protection regulations.
Measures in PhoenixD
The specific RDM environment in PhoenixD is so remarkable that the Hannover Institute of Sociology conducted a study to understand the cluster's requirements and the challenges it would face in data sharing and publication. Thanks to the expertise of experienced professionals and strong collaboration, the cluster was able to develop measures that are continuously being taken forward:
- Compliance of good scientific practice: PhoenixD RDM staff will ensure compliance by providing support and training on the creation of data management plans (DMP), assistance in finding appropriate storage, backup, archiving and publication services for research data, and in the licensing of research data and software in accordance with the LUH Research Data Policy
- Common guidelines in PhoenixD for the handling of research data
- Interdisciplinary digital cluster lab notebook based on an internationally recognised standard (elabFTW)
- Exchange of research data is standardised and supported by the self-developed open source data format SciDataContainer
Next challenges
The next major challenge for the Cluster in the area of research data management will arise when the new building OPTICUM is built in 2026. At this point, the Cluster will merge and link its equipment pool. The RDM team, in collaboration with the Core Facilities involved, will connect all production and measurement equipment in the pool to a common data bus. This will not only be a decisive advantage for research at PhoenixD, but also a pioneering research object in its own right.
Based on the preliminary work of the TIB, participation in various NFDI consortia, the university and, last but not least, PhoenixD, Hannover is becoming one of Germany's leading centres in the field of RDM. The sustainable collection of scientific information requires a shift in scientific communication towards knowledge-based information flows that are findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable for both humans and machines. The ‘FAIRification’ of data requires a new type of open science infrastructure such as the Open Research Knowledge Graph (ORKG). Together with the ORKG experts at TIB, PhoenixD will support these activities by making its research results accessible in an exemplary manner.
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30167 Hannover