The more than 100 members of the interdisciplinary Cluster of Excellence PhoenixD will meet in September for their second closed meeting on the Mechanical Engineering Campus in Garbsen. There the scientists will inform themselves about their current research results in numerous lectures.
Doctoral students and post-docs will also have the opportunity to present their current research topics in a poster session. The approximately 30 members of the PhoenixD Research School (PRS) meet one day before the joint retreat for a one-day PRS Autumn School. The conference programme will be continuously updated and published here. The conference language is English.
PRS Autumn School, September 8th 2020
Agenda of the PRS Autumn School on 8 September 2020
Time 8:50 Participants log into online conference room Webex All registered participants receive a login link to the conference. The event is for PRS members only. 9:00 Welcome Peter Behrens Member of the PhoenixD Executive Board and Head of PRS 9:15 Presentation of the PRS image film Sonja Smalian Science Communication Officer 9:25 Introduction to the fundamentals of optics Reinhard Caspary Technology Coordinator PhoenixD 10:30 Break / Networking in the different Webex chatrooms 11:00 Career paths in science and current research projects: Annika Raatz Annika Raatz Head of Task Group M5: Assembly and Handling; Member of the extended board of PhoenixD 11:45 Career paths in science and current research projects: Detlev Ristau Detlev Ristau Head of Task Group M3: Surface Polishing, Coatings and Optical Elements Task Grou; Principal Investigator of PhoenixD 12:30 Break / Networking in the different Webex chatrooms 12:45 Introduction to Scientific Publishing Milutin Kovacev 13:30 Lunch Break / Networking in the different Webex chatrooms 14:45 The company LPKF presents itself N.N. 15:45 Break / Networking in the different Webex chatrooms 16:15 Career paths in science and current research projects: Ulrich Holländer Member of Task Group M1: Materials Task Group 17.00 End of PRS Summer School -
Retreat, Wednesday, 9 September 2020
Time Wednesday, 9 September 2020 08:30 - 09:00 Login to Webex Meeting room (Room Plenum)
Every PhoenixD member, who registered to the Retreat, received an email with an invitation link.
The conference is for members of PhoenixD only.
09:00 - 09:10Welcome Adress (Room Plenum)
PhoenixD Spokesperson Uwe Morgner09:10 - 09:40 Talk I (Room Plenum)
Speaker: Antonio Calá Lesina
"Large-scale simulation of nanophotonic metasurfaces"09:40 - 09:50 Break 09:50 - 10:30 Tandem I (Room Plenum)
Speaker: Dmitrii Perevoznik + Ayhan Demircan
"Modelling and realisation of optical tailored waveguides"10:30 - 10:40 Break 10:40 - 11:10 Tandem II (Room Plenum)
Speaker: Sebastian Bengsch + Birger Reitz
"Optical Platform for Highly Precise Optical Components"11:10 - 11:20 Break 11:20 - 12:00 Tandem III (Room Plenum)
Speaker: Ihar Babushkin + Milutin Kovacev
"Nonlinear Nanophotonics: simulation, realisation and application"12:00 - 13:30 Lunch break Parallel Poster Session in five different Webex rooms
30 PhoenixD members will present their Posters in 5 different Webex rooms. The presentation of a poster shall not exceed 3 minutes. The following 22 minutes the
group has time to discuss the presented research and ask questions. Then each participant has 5 minutes to change to the next webex meeting room or stay in the
same room and wait for the next researcher to present its poster.17:45 End of day 1 -
Retreat Thursday, 10 September 2020
Time Thursday, 10 September 2020 08:30 - 09:00 Login to Webex Meeting room (Room Plenum)
Every PhoenixD member, who registered to the Retreat, received an email with an invitation link + individual password. The
conference is for members of PhoenixD only.09:00 - 09:10 Morning Welcome
PhoenixD Spokesperson Uwe Morgner
(Room Plenum)09:10 - 09:15 Parallel X-Group Meetings in four different Webex rooms
Four X-Group Meetings will take place in four different meeting rooms. After attending the first X-Group meeting, every PhoenixD
member is going change meeting rooms to attend a different X-Group meeting.11:45 - 13:00 Lunch Break 13:00 - 13:30 Wrap-up X-group meetings
(Room Plenum)3:30 - 14:30 General Assembly
(Room Plenum)14:30 End of PhoenixD Retreat 2020
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