Selected publications by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Kowalsky

Category A*

  • Parola, I.; Zaremba; et int; Kowalsky, W.; Johannes, H.-H., High performance fluorescent fiber solar concentrators employing doubledoped polymer optical fibers, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 178, 20 (2018).
  • Pourdavoud, N.; Wang, S.; et int; Kowalsky, W.; et int; Riedl, T.,Photonic Nanostructures Patterned by Thermal Nanoimprint Directly into Organo-Metal Halide Perovskites, Advanced Materials 29, 1605003 (2019).
  • Meyer, J.; Hamwi, S.; et int; Kowalsky, W., et int; Kahn, A., Transition metal oxides for organic electronics: Energetics, device physics and applications, Advanced Materials 24, 5408 (2012).
  • Hamwi, S.; Meyer, J.; et int.; Kowalsky, W. , The role of transition metal oxides in charge generation layers for stacked organic light emitting diodes, Advanced Functional Materials 20, 1762 (2010).
  • Kröger, M.; Hamwi, S.; et int; Kowalsky, W., Kahn, A., Role of the deep-lying electronic states of MoO3 in the enhancement of hole-injection in organic thin films, Applied Physics Letters 95, 123301 (2009).
  • Kröger, M.; Hamwi, S.; et int; Kowalsky, W.; Kahn, A., P-type doping of organic wide band gap materials by transition metal oxides: A case-study on Molybdenum trioxide, Organic Electronics: Physics, Materials, Applications 10, 932 (2009).
  • Rabe, T.; Görrn, P.; et int; Kowalsky, W., Highly Sensitive Determination of the Polaron-Induced Optical Absorption of Organic Charge-Transport Materials, Physical Review Letters 102, 137401 (2009).
  • Meyer, J.; Görrn, P.; et int; Kowalsky, W., Al2O3/ ZrO2 nanolaminates as ultra-high gas diffusion barriers - a strategy for reliable encapsulation of organic electronics, Advanced Materials 21, 1845 (2009).
  • Meyer, J.; Hamwi, S.; et int; Kowalsky, W., Highly efficient simplified organic light emitting diodes, Applied Physics Letters 91, 113506 (2007).
  • Görrn, P.; Rabe, T.; et int; Kowalsky, W., Loss reduction in fully contacted organic laser waveguides using TE2 modes, Applied Physics Letters 91, 041113 (2007).
*Description of the categories according to the specifications of the German Research Foundation

Category A
scientific or scholarly papers published in peer-reviewed journals, peer reviewed contributions to conferences or anthology volumes, and book publications

Category B
any other form of published research results, data sets, protocols of clinical trials, software packages, patents applied for and granted, blog contributions, other forms of scientific or scholarly output

An overview of all publications by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Kowalsky can be found on Google Scholar.