Selected publications by Prof. Dr. Tanja E. Mehlstäubler

Category A*

  • I. Vybornyi, L. S. Dreissen, D. Kiesenhofer, H. Hainzer, M. Bock, T. Ollikainen, D. Vadlejch, C. F. Roos, T. E. Mehlstäubler, K. Hammerer, Sideband Thermometry of Ion Crystals, PRX Quantum, 4, 040346 (2023)
    DOI: 10.1103/PRXQuantum.4.040346
  • C.-H. Yeh, K. C. Grensemann, L. S. Dreissen, H. A. Fürst, T. E. Mehlstäubler, Robust and scalable rf spectroscopy in first-order magnetic sensitive states at second-long coherence time, New J. Phys, 25, 093054 (2023)
    DOI: 10.1088/1367-2630/acfc14
  • M. Steinel, H. Shao, M. Filzinger, B. Lipphardt, M. Brinkmann, A. Didier, T. E. Mehlstäubler, T. Lindvall, E. Peik, N. Huntemann, Evaluation of a 88Sr+ Optical Clock with a Direct Measurement of the Blackbody Radiation Shift and Determination of the Clock Frequency, Phys. Rev. Lett., 131, 083002 (2023)
    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.131.083002
  • T. Nordmann, S. Wickenhagen, M. Doležal, T. E. Mehlstäubler, Bichromatic UV detection system for atomically-resolved imaging of ions, Rev Sci Instrum, 94, 063305 (2023)
    DOI: 10.1063/5.0145409
  • A. A. Peshkov, E. Jordan, M. Kromrey, K. K. Mehta, T. E. Mehlstäubler, A. Surzhykov, Excitation of Forbidden Electronic Transitions in Atoms by Hermite–Gaussian Modes, Annalen der Physik 2023, 2300204 (2023)
    DOI: 10.1002/andp.202300204
  • L. S. Dreissen, C.-H. Yeh, H. A. Fürst, K. C. Grensemann, T. E. Mehlstäubler, Improved bounds on Lorentz violation from composite pulse Ramsey spectroscopy in a trapped ion, Nature Communications, 13 (7314) (2022)
    DOI: 10.1038/s41467-022-34818-0
  • T. Nordmann, A. Didier, M. Doležal, P. Balling, T. Burgermeister, T. E. Mehlstäubler, Sub-kelvin temperature management in ion traps for optical clocks, Review of Scientific Instruments, 91, 111301 (2020)
    DOI: 10.1063/5.0024693
  • H. A. Fürst, C.-H. Yeh, D. Kalincev, A. P. Kulosa, L. S. Dreissen, R. Lange, E. Benkler, N. Huntemann, E. Peik, and T. E. Mehlstäubler, Coherent excitation of the highly forbidden electric octupole transition in 172Yb+, Phys. Rev. Lett., 125, 163001 (2020)
    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.125.163001
  • A. Didier, S. Ignatovitch, E. Benkler, M. Okhapkin, T. E. Mehlstäubler, 946-nm Nd:YAG digital-locked laser at 1.1 × 10−16 in 1 s and transfer-locked to a cryogenic silicon cavity, Optics Letters 44 (77), 1781-1784 (2019)
    DOI: 10.1364/OL.44.001781
  • T. E. Mehlstäubler, G. Grosche, Chr. Lisdat, P. O. Schmidt, Atomic clocks for geodesy, Reports on Progress, Physics 81, 064401 (2018)
    DOI: 10.1088/1361-6633/aab409

Category B*

  • H. N. Hausser, J. Keller, T. Nordmann, N. M. Bhatt, J. Kiethe, H. Liu, M. von Boehn, J. Rahm, S. Weyers, E. Benkler, B. Lipphardt, S. Doerscher, K. Stahl, J. Klose, C. Lisdat, M. Filzinger, N. Huntemann, E. Peik, T. E. Mehlstäubler, An 115In+ - 172Yb+ Coulomb crystal clock with 2.5×10−18 systematic uncertainty, arXiv:2402.16807 (2024)
  • Grimpe, Carl-Frederik, Guochun Du, Elena Jordan, Anastasiia Sorokina, Pascal Gehrmann, Steffen Sauer, Stefanie Kroker and Tanja E. Mehlstäubler. Towards Photonic Integrated Ion Traps for high-performance Quantum Computing and Atomic Clocks, Proceeding of the 24th European Conference on Integrated Optics (ECIO) (2023).
  • G. Du et al., Integrated Polarization Control for Trapped-Ion Quantum Computers, 13th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics (META) (2023)
  • Sorokina, Anastasiia, Pascal Gehrmann, Steffen Sauer, Carl-Frederik Grimpe, Guochun Du, Elena Jordan, Tanja Mehlstaubler, and Stefanie Kroker (2023). On-chip integrated metasurfaces for circular light polarization for trapped-ion quantum applications. In: EPJ Web of Conferences 287. Ed. by B. Kibler, G. Millot, and P. Segonds, p. 01017.
  • T. E. Mehlstäubler, H. A. Fürst, C. Ospelkaus, Quantenvielteilchenphysik und Quantencomputer, PTB-Mitteilungen 128 Heft 3 (2020): Quantentechnologie mit Atomen und Photonen Teil II
  • T. E. Mehlstäubler, A. P. Kulosa, A. Bautista-Salvador, A. Didier, C. Ospelkaus, Mikrostrukturierte Ionenfallen, PTB-Mitteilungen 128 Heft 3 (2020): Quantentechnologie mit Atomen und Photonen Teil II
  • M. Abdel-Hafiz, P. Ablewski, A. Al-Masoudi, H. Álvarez Martínez, P. Balling, G. Barwood, E. Benkler, M. Bober, M. Borkowski, W. Bowden, R. Ciuryło, H. Cybulski, A. Didier, M. Doležal, S. Dörscher, S. Falke, R. M. Godun, R. Hamid, I. R. Hill, R. Hobson, N. Huntemann, Y. Le Coq, R. Le Targat, T. Legero, T. Lindvall, Ch. Lisdat, J. Lodewyck, H. S. Margolis, T. E. Mehlstäubler, E. Peik, L. Pelzer, M. Pizzocaro, B. Rauf, A. Rolland, N. Scharnhorst, M. Schioppo, P. O. Schmidt, R. Schwarz, Ç. Şenel, N. Spethmann, U. Sterr, Chr. Tamm, J. W. Thomsen, A. Vianello, M. Zawada, Guidelines for developing optical clocks with 10−18 fractional frequency uncertainty, June (2019),
    DOI: 10.15488/5553
  • A. P. Kulosa, T. E. Mehlstäubler, E. Peik, P. O. Schmidt, A. Surzhykov, Neue Frequenznormale und Tests fundamentaler Physik, PTB-Mitteilungen 128 „Quantentechnologie mit Atomen und Photonen Teil I“, Heft 3 (2018), 27 – 41
  • Eingereichtes Patent: Ionenfallenchip, Patentnummern:  10 2023 111 930.3 und PCT/EP2024/061757
  • Patent: Pulse generator circuit with high pulse repetition rate and synchronization to ex-ternal RF signal, Patentnummer: 10 2017 125 386.
*Description of the categories according to the specifications of the German Research Foundation

Category A
scientific or scholarly papers published in peer-reviewed journals, peer reviewed contributions to conferences or anthology volumes, and book publications

Category B
any other form of published research results, data sets, protocols of clinical trials, software packages, patents applied for and granted, blog contributions, other forms of scientific or scholarly output

An overview of all publications by Prof. Dr. Tanja E. Mehlstäubler can be found on the website of her research group.