PhoenixD Research
List of Publications

Publications in the Framework of the Cluster of Excellence PhoenixD

The research performance of the PhoenixD Cluster of Excellence is reflected in the numerous publications that have been published since 2019. A continuously updated overview can be found on this page. You can search for publications in external publication platforms with the identification number (Project ID) 390833453 and EXC-2122.

Showing results 601 - 620 out of 922


Mahmudlu, H., May, S., Angulo, A., Sorel, M., & Kues, M. (2021). Highly efficient photon pair generation in AlGaAs-on-insulator waveguides. In 2021 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO 2021 - Proceedings Article SM1A.4 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc..
Mahmudlu, H., May, S., Angulo, A., Sorel, M., & Kues, M. (2021). Highly efficient photon pair generation in AlGaAs-on-insulator waveguides. In CLEO: Science and Innovations Article SM1A.4 OSA - The Optical Society.
Manteiga Vázquez, F., Yu, Q., Klepzig, L. F., Siebbeles, L. D. A., Crisp, R. W., & Lauth, J. (2021). Probing Excitons in Ultrathin PbS Nanoplatelets with Enhanced Near-Infrared Emission. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 12(1), 680-685.,
Melchert, O., Tajalli, A., Pape, A., Arkhipov, R., Willms, S., Babushkin, I., Skryabin, D., Steinmeyer, G., Morgner, U., & Demircan, A. (2021). All-optical switching of supercontinuum spectra. In The European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO/Europe 2021 (Optics InfoBase Conference Papers). OSA - The Optical Society.
Melchert, O., Tajalli, A., Pape, A., Arkhipov, R., Willms, S., Babushkin, I., Skryabin, D., Steinmeyer, G., Morgner, U., & Demircan, A. (2021). All-Optical Switching of Supercontinuum Spectra. In 2021 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe and European Quantum Electronics Conference, CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2021 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc..
Melchert, O., Willms, S., Morgner, U., Babushkin, I., & Demircan, A. (2021). Crossover from two-frequency pulse compounds to escaping solitons. Scientific reports, 11, Article 11190.
Melchert, O., Willms, S., Yulin, A., Babushkin, I., Morgner, U., & Demircan, A. (2021). Higher order trapped states of a solitary-wave well. In 2021 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe & European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC): Proceedings Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc..
Melchert, O., Willms, S., Yulin, A., Babushkin, I., Morgner, U., & Demircan, A. (2021). Higher Order Trapped States of a Solitary-Wave Well. In 2021 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe and European Quantum Electronics Conference, CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2021 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc..
Melchert, O., & Demircan, A. (2021). Incoherent two-color pulse compounds. Optics letters, 46(22), 5603-5606.,
Melchert, O., & Demircan, A. (2021). pyGLLE: A Python toolkit for solving the generalized Lugiato–Lefever equation. SoftwareX, 15, Article 100741.
Mende, M., Carstens, F., Ehlers, H., & Ristau, D. (2021). Preferential sputtering of metal oxide mixture thin films. Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces and Films, 39(2), Article 023406.
Mevert, R., Binhammer, Y., Dietrich, C. M., Andrade, J. R. C., Beichert, L., Binhammer, T., Fan, J., & Morgner, U. (2021). Femtosecond non-collinear optical parametric oscillator in the visible (VIS-NOPO). In CLEO: QELS_Fundamental Science, CLEO: QELS 2021 Article JW1A.12 OSA - The Optical Society.
Mevert, R., Binhammer, Y., DIetrich, C. M., Andrade, J. R. C., Beichert, L., Binhammer, T., Fan, J., & Morgner, U. (2021). Femtosecond non-collinear optical parametric oscillator in the visible (VIS-NOPO). In 2021 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics: CLEO 2021 - Proceedings Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc..
Mevert, R., Binhammer, Y., Dietrich, C. M., Beichert, L., Cardoso de Andrade, J. R., Binhammer, T., Fan, J., & Morgner, U. (2021). Widely tunable, high-power, femtosecond noncollinear optical parametric oscillator in the visible spectral range. Photonics research, 9(9), 1715-1718.
Mortazavi, B., Podryabinkin, E. V., Novikov, I. S., Rabczuk, T., Zhuang, X., & Shapeev, A. V. (2021). Accelerating first-principles estimation of thermal conductivity by machine-learning interatomic potentials: A MTP/ShengBTE solution. Computer physics communications, 258, Article 107583.
Mortazavi, B., Javvaji, B., Shojaei, F., Rabczuk, T., Shapeev, A. V., & Zhuang, X. (2021). Exceptional piezoelectricity, high thermal conductivity and stiffness and promising photocatalysis in two-dimensional MoSi2N4 family confirmed by first-principles. NANO ENERGY, 82, Article 105716.
Mortazavi, B., Shojaei, F., Zhuang, X., & Pereira, L. F. C. (2021). First-principles investigation of electronic, optical, mechanical and heat transport properties of pentadiamond: A comparison with diamond. Carbon Trends, 3.
Mortazavi, B., Silani, M., Podryabinkin, E. V., Rabczuk, T., Zhuang, X., & Shapeev, A. V. (2021). First-Principles Multiscale Modeling of Mechanical Properties in Graphene/Borophene Heterostructures Empowered by Machine-Learning Interatomic Potentials. Advanced materials, 33(35), Article 2102807.
Mortazavi, B., Shojaei, F., Rabczuk, T., & Zhuang, X. (2021). High tensile strength and thermal conductivity in BeO monolayer: A first-principles study. FlatChem, 28, Article 100257.,
Mortazavi, B., Shojaei, F., Javvaji, B., Rabczuk, T., & Zhuang, X. (2021). Outstandingly high thermal conductivity, elastic modulus, carrier mobility and piezoelectricity in two-dimensional semiconducting CrC2N4: a first-principles study. Materials Today Energy, 22, Article 100839.,