Inverse design of nanophotonic meta-atoms with desired multipoles

authored by
Sadeq Bahmani, Andrey B. Evlyukhin, Emadeldeen Hassan, Antonio Calà Lesina

Gradient-based topology optimization via the adjoint method has been successfully used in nanophotonics to uncover shapes with superior performances compared to what would be possible with traditional design methods. Here, we have extended this technique to optimize nanostructures to engineer their induced multipole moments. As an example, we demonstrate the method's application to realize the first Kerker effect in a silicon nanoparticle. The optimization results show a complex shape with highly suppressed backscattering due to the excitation of in-phase electric and magnetic dipoles with the same amplitude. This promising approach can pave the way for the inverse design of photonic structures based on a set of desired multipole moments, which can exhibit a variety of complex photonic phenomena.

Institute of Transport and Automation Technology
PhoenixD: Photonics, Optics, and Engineering - Innovation Across Disciplines
Hannover Centre for Optical Technologies (HOT)
Institute of Quantum Optics
Computational Photonics
External Organisation(s)
Minufiya University
Umea University
Conference contribution
No. of pages
Publication date
Publication status
Peer reviewed
ASJC Scopus subject areas
Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials, Condensed Matter Physics, Computer Science Applications, Applied Mathematics, Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Electronic version(s) (Access: Closed)