PhoenixD Research
List of Publications

Publications in the Framework of the Cluster of Excellence PhoenixD

The research performance of the PhoenixD Cluster of Excellence is reflected in the numerous publications that have been published since 2019. A continuously updated overview can be found on this page. You can search for publications in external publication platforms with the identification number (Project ID) 390833453 and EXC-2122.

Showing results 321 - 340 out of 922


Arkhipov, M., Arkhipov, R., Babushkin, I., & Rosanov, N. (2022). Self-Stopping of Light. Physical review letters, 128(20), Article 203901.
Arkhipov, R., Arkhipov, M., Pakhomov, A., Babushkin, I., & Rosanov, N. (2022). Single-cycle-pulse generation in a coherently mode-locked laser with an ultrashort cavity. Physical Review A, 105(1), Article 013526.
Armano, M., Audley, H., Baird, J., Binetruy, P., Born, M., Bortoluzzi, D., Brandt, N., Castelli, E., Cavalleri, A., Cesarini, A., Cruise, A. ., Danzmann, K., De deus silva, M., Diepholz, I., Dixon, G., Dolesi, R., Ferraioli, L., Ferroni, V., Fitzsimons, E. ., ... Zweifel, P. (2022). Sensor noise in LISA Pathfinder: An extensive in-flight review of the angular and longitudinal interferometric measurement system. Physical Review D, 106(8), Article 082001.
Babushkin, I., Galán, Á. J., de Andrade, J. R. C., Husakou, A., Morales, F., Kretschmar, M., Nagy, T., Vaičaitis, V., Shi, L., Zuber, D., Bergé, L., Skupin, S., Nikolaeva, I. A., Panov, N. A., Shipilo, D. E., Kosareva, O. G., Pfeiffer, A. N., Demircan, A., Vrakking, M. J. J., ... Ivanov, M. (2022). All-optical attoclock for imaging tunnelling wavepackets. Nature physics, 18(4), 417-422.,
Babushkin, I., Demircan, A., Morgner, U., & Savel'ev, A. (2022). High harmonics of an optical pump in presence of a strong terahertz field. In 2022 International Conference Laser Optics, ICLO 2022 - Proceedingss (2022 International Conference Laser Optics, ICLO 2022 - Proceedingss). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc..
Babushkin, I., Demircan, A., Morgner, U., & Savel'Ev, A. (2022). High-order harmonics and supercontinua formed by a weak optical pump in the presence of an extreme terahertz field. Physical Review A, 106(1), Article 013115.,
Babushkin, I., Demircan, A., Kues, M., & Morgner, U. (2022). Two-photon gates tolerant to the photons’ temporal wave shapes and joint correlations. In Nonlinear Photonics, NP 2022 Article NpW2G.1 (Optics InfoBase Conference Papers). Optica Publishing Group (formerly OSA).
Babushkin, I., Demircan, A., Kues, M., & Morgner, U. (2022). Wave-Shape-Tolerant Photonic Quantum Gates. Physical Review Letters, 128(9), Article 090502.,
Baxter, J., Calà Lesina, A., & Ramunno, L. (2022). Hyperpolarizability of Plasmonic Nanostructures: A Method to Quantify the SHG Emission from a Metasurface. In NATO Science for Peace and Security Series : Series B: Physics and Biophysics (pp. 243-245). (NATO Science for Peace and Security Series B: Physics and Biophysics). Springer Science and Business Media B.V..
Baxter, J., Calà Lesina, A., & Ramunno, L. (2022). Simulating Small Metallic Nanoparticles in FDTD: Nonlocal Correction to the Drude Model. In Light-Matter Interactions Towards the Nanoscale (pp. 299-301). (NATO Science for Peace and Security Series B: Physics and Biophysics). Springer Science and Business Media B.V..
Berdiyorov, G. R., Mortazavi, B., & Hamoudi, H. (2022). Anisotropic charge transport in 1D and 2D BeN4 and MgN4 nanomaterials: A first-principles study. FlatChem, 31, Article 100327.
Beuchler, S., Kinnewig, S., & Wick, T. (2022). Parallel Domain Decomposition Solvers for the Time Harmonic Maxwell Equations. In S. C. Brenner, A. Klawonn, J. Xu, E. Chung, J. Zou, & F. Kwok (Eds.), Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering XXVI (pp. 653-660). (Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering; Vol. 145). Springer.,
Beuchler, S., Haubold, T., & Pillwein, V. (2022). Recurrences for Quadrilateral High-Order Finite Elements. Mathematics in Computer Science, 16(4), Article 32.
Biesterfeld, L., Klepzig, L. F., Niebur, A., Rosebrock, M., & Lauth, J. (2022). Toward Bright Colloidal Near-Infrared Emitters: Surface Passivation of 2D PbSe Nanoplatelets by Metal Halides. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 126(45), 19277-19285.
Bode, T., Weißenfels, C., & Wriggers, P. (2022). Peridynamic Galerkin method: an attractive alternative to finite elements. Computational mechanics, 70(4), 723–743.
Bose, S., Melchert, O., Willms, S., Babushkin, I., Morgner, U., Demircan, A., & Agrawal, G. (2022). Impact of frequency-dependent nonlinearity on soliton trajectory in microstructured optical fiber. In 2022 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO 2022 - Proceedings Article SW5K.4 (2022 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO 2022 - Proceedings). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc..
Brunotte, W., Nagel, L., Schneider, K., & Klünder, J. A.-C. (2022). How to Identify Changing Contexts of Use with Creativity Workshops: An Experience Report. In C. Ardito, R. Lanzilotti, A. Malizia, M. Larusdottir, L. D. Spano, J. Campos, M. Hertzum, T. Mentler, J. Abdelnour Nocera, L. Piccolo, S. Sauer, & G. van der Veer (Eds.), Sense, Feel, Design: INTERACT 2021 IFIP TC 13 Workshops, Revised Selected Papers (pp. 88-97). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics); Vol. 13198 LNCS). Springer Nature Switzerland AG.
Brunotte, W., Chazette, L., Klös, V., & Speith, T. (2022). Quo Vadis, Explainability? A Research Roadmap for Explainability Engineering. In V. Gervasi, & A. Vogelsang (Eds.), Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality : 28th International Working Conference, REFSQ 2022, Birmingham, UK, March 21–24, 2022, Proceedings (pp. 26-32). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics); Vol. 13216 LNCS). Springer Nature Switzerland AG.
Brunotte, W., Chazette, L., Köhler, L., Klünder, J. A.-C., & Schneider, K. (2022). What About My Privacy? Helping Users Understand Online Privacy Policies. In Proceedings - 2022 IEEE/ACM Joint 16th International Conferenceon Software and System Processes and 17th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Global Software Engineering, ICSSP/ICGSE 2022: ICSSP'22 (pp. 56–65). (ACM International Conference Proceeding Series). ACM DL.
Bühre, L. V., Bullerdiek, S., Trinke, P., Bensmann, B., Deutsch, A. L. E. R., Behrens, P., & Hanke-Rauschenbach, R. (2022). Application and Analysis of a Salt Bridge Reference Electrode Setup for PEM Water Electrolysis: Towards an Extended Voltage Loss Break Down. Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 169(12), Article 124513.